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PancreaTIDE PLUS forte peptides for the pancreas

Product code: 4779038830335 30.09.2029
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Peptide complex to maintain structure and functions of the pancreas.

Release form: 30 capsules per pack.

The capsule is made of a special stable polymer of a plant origin without impurities in the form of chemicals — hypromellose.

Natural intensified peptide bioregulator PancreaTIDE PLUS forte is a multicomponent complex designed to regulate and protect pancreatic functions. The complex helps restore cells in the endocrine system, reduces the risk of complications from diabetes, atrophic processes in the pancreas, and other pathological conditions of the digestive system.

How peptides for the pancreas gland work

Multicomponent bioregulator PancreaTIDE PLUS forte is a complex of natural peptides of an animal origin. The formula of the natural product is intensified with minerals, vitamins, extracts of medicinal herbs. Peptide complex bioregulator purposefully affects the cells of the pancreas, restoring protein synthesis, improving functions of the digestive system, maintaining hormonal balance.

The activity of the peptide complex helps normalize and maintain glucose levels, reduces the frequency of digestive disorders, improves overall well-being, increases the activity of pancreatic enzymes (trypsin and amylase), which are responsible for the absorption of proteins, fats, and carbohydrates in the human body.

Recommendations for use (prevention and as part of complex treatment):

  • Chronic pancreatitis
  • Increased glucose tolerance, type II diabetes
  • Digestive problems, bloating, abdominal heaviness, exocrine pancreatic insufficiency
  • Age-related changes in the structure of the pancreas

Method of application as part of complex therapy:
Adults take one capsule a day for 1 month, 20-30 minutes after a meal, with plenty of water. It is allowed to take the product for a longer period of time, up to 2-3 months to prolong the remission phase of the disease.

Allergy to individual components of the product; period of pregnancy and breastfeeding; underage children (due to lack of data).

IMPORTANT! Peptide bioregulator PancreaTIDE PLUS forte for strengthening functions of the pancreas is recommended as a supporting prophylactic product in combination with the main course of therapy prescribed by the attending physician.

 1 capsule

NRVs *

Vitamin B6

1,4  mg.

100 % (NRVs 1,4 mg.)

Pantothenic acid

12,0  mg.

200 % (NRVs 6 mg.)


40 µg.

100 % (NRVs 40 µg.)

BCAA amino acid complex (peptide complex NX, L-leucine, L-isoleucine, L-valine)

170 mg


Fenugreek (Trigonella foenum-graecum L.) seeds dry extract

100 mg



50 mg


* NRVs - nutrient  reference  values

The capsule is made of hypromellose – a special stable polymer of vegetable origin.

To enhance the therapeutic effect, it is recommended to combine the bioregulator with other My Real Way peptide bioregulators and peptide-polysaccharide complexes, depending on the pathology.

Normalization of pancreas and liver functions 

PancreaTIDE PLUS forte

restoration of mucous membrane processes in gallbladder, biliary tract and pancreas


maintenance and restoration of liver functions


improvement of food digestion processes, gas formation

Diabetes, improving cholesterol metabolism

PancreaTIDE PLUS forte

restoration of mucous membrane processes in gallbladder, biliary tract and pancreas


maintaining and restoring liver functions

SpleenTIDE PLUS forte

increasing body's protective functions, improving digestion, cholesterol metabolism

Prevention of pancreatic cancer

PancreaTIDE PLUS forte

restoration of pancreas functions, stimulation of secretory functions, prevention of diabetes

SpleenTIDE PLUS forte

participates in bile formation, increases body's protective functions, filters blood from bacteria, viruses, toxins


antitumor, anti-inflammatory, antiviral, antifungal, anticarcinogenic, immuno-strengthening

Pancreas cancer

PancreaTIDE PLUS forte

restoration of pancreas functions, stimulation of secretory functions, prevention of diabetes

Agaricus blazei Murill

anti-tumor action

Kidney failure due to diabetes (diabetic nephropathy) 

PancreaTIDE PLUS forte

restoration of pancreas function, stimulation of secretory function, prevention of diabetes


maintaining and restoring liver functions


maintaining and restoring kidney functions

Eye diseases due to diabetes

PancreaTIDE PLUS forte

restoration of pancreas functions, stimulation of secretory functions, prevention of diabetes


maintaining and restoring liver functions

VisionTIDE PLUS forte

restoration of cell and tissues metabolism in the vision organ cells

MemoryTIDE PLUS forte

activation of bioenergetic processes in the nervous system

Restoration of blood vessels and brain cells in diabetes 

PancreaTIDE PLUS forte

restoration of pancreas functions, stimulation of secretory functions, prevention of diabetes

VessTIDE PLUS forte

improving pancreas microcirculation


neuroprotective, neurotrophic and neurometabolic effects on brain tissue

Diabetic gastropathy (gastroduodenopathy)

PancreaTIDE PLUS forte

restoration of pancreas functions, stimulation of secretory functions, prevention of diabetes

VessTIDE PLUS forte

improving pancreas microcirculation


improving reparative and regenerative processes in duodenum, normalization of secretory function

Contact information

REAL WAY", 584 Charles-Quint avenue, Brussels, 1082, Belgium

Real Way" LLC, Company code 300639047, Konstitucijos pr.15-23, Vilnius

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