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ActiManTIDE PLUS 18+: prevent erectile dysfunction (impotence)

Problems with erectile dysfunction, libido, and potency may be the result of disruption of the nervous, endocrine, and cardiovascular systems, infections of the genitourinary system, and at the same time potency disorders affect the entire body as a whole.
The health of the male reproductive system is determined by the performance of its main functions:
- Production of the main male sex hormone — testosterone
- Sperm production
- Transportation of sperm during intercourse
- Achieving an orgasm
Causes of erectile dysfunction (impotence)
With age, many men have a weak erection, potency, and libido. By the age of 40, erectile dysfunction is observed in 53% of men, and after 50 years in 87% of men. With erectile dysfunction or impotence, a man has a sexual desire (libido), but he cannot perform.
In the absence of libido in a physiologically healthy man, there is no sexual attraction and desire to have sex.
Low testosterone levels and weak potency adversely affect the entire body of a man. Sexual activity suffers, depression occurs and diseases of the genitourinary system, prostatitis, prostate adenoma, and tumors are developed.
Testosterone level also has a strong influence on a male’s behavior, his successes, and failures in business. Men with low testosterone levels are less active, do not like changes, and are reluctant to learn new things. A high testosterone level helps a person to grow, be active, ambitious, and aggressive in a good way in achieving his goals, aims for career growth, and creating his own business.
What causes the development of erectile dysfunction (impotence), decreased libido, and low testosterone:
- common infections
- urinary infections
- disorders of the cardiovascular, endocrine, nervous systems
- hormonal disorders
- hereditary and childhood diseases
- bad habits, sedentary work, stress
- prolonged sexual abstinence
How to restore erectile dysfunction without Viagra
Unfortunately, men rarely engage in prevention methods, rarely admit to themselves the existence of problems with erectile dysfunction (impotence), libido, and testosterone level, and only seek for doctor’s help at the very last moment. Instead, they regularly use Viagra, which causes heart, blood vessels, and liver diseases.
The multi-component peptide bioregulator with intensified properties ActiManTIDE PLUS forte 18+ to increase potency in men is a 100% natural and safe way to restore self-confidence, live a full sexual life, and improve the functioning of the male body as a whole.
ActiManTIDE PLUS forte 18+, unlike drugs such as Viagra, acts gently and for a long period, improves blood flow, does not cause side effects, is safe to use, and does not affect the liver and heart.
The basis of the bioregulator is a natural peptide complex, which starts natural processes of cell renewal and rejuvenation at a cellular level, restores functional disorders, and prevents the development of pathologies of the male reproductive system.
A natural bioregulator with intensified properties based on a peptide complex helps to increase testosterone levels, stimulates sperm production and sperm motility, increases libido, increases the duration of sexual intercourse, normalizes male hormonal status, helps fight stress, neurosis, and depression, which are often the cause and effect of sexual disorders, supports the functional activity of the male reproductive system in elderly men, reduces the risk of neoplasms and prostatitis development.
The composition of the bioregulator includes minerals and plant extracts that regulate blood circulation in the pelvic organs in men.
Zinc and Chromium help maintain normal testosterone and glucose blood levels.
Tribulus fruit extract (lat. Tribulus terrestris) has a stimulating effect on male potency and sexual desire.
Stems and leaves extract of Epimedium (lat. Epimedium brevicornum) stimulates spermatogenesis, and improves blood circulation and microcirculation in the pelvic organs and the genitourinary system.
Ginseng (lat. Panax ginseng) root extract increases potency, increases testosterone levels and sperm count.
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