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How to prevent hair loss

Hair performs aesthetic and protective functions, protecting the brain from low and high air temperatures and minor mechanical injuries.
There are several types of hair loss.
Diffuse type - hair falls out evenly over the entire scalp. This type is common in women.
Androgenic type - hair falls out in the anterior or parietal zone of the head, and hair does not fall out in the occipital zone. The androgenic type is called "male prolapse", though in women, due to fluctuations of hormones, increased levels of male hormones, there may be a male-pattern hair loss.
Focal type - hair falls out unexpectedly, in separate sections. This type of hair loss is most commonly caused by autoimmune diseases.
Most often, a mixed type is observed, when firstly hair falls out according to the diffuse type, and then the androgenic one is added.
The reasons for hair loss can be various: problems with the thyroid gland, nervous exhaustion, low-calorie diets, rapid weight loss, hormonal changes, pregnancy, childbirth, effects of medications. We should not forget that in the modern world, stressful situations happen everywhere and regularly. During prolonged stress, 70% of hair freezes, its growth stops and after 3 months hair begins to fall out. Based on constant stress, premature gray hair often appears and results in hair follicle destruction.
Regular intake of natural multicomponent bioregulator HairTIDE PLUS forte with intensified effect prevents hair loss and activates hair growth. The basis of the bioregulator is made up of natural short bio-active peptides of animal origin, acting selectively on hair and nail cells. Peptides get into the cell, launch the processes of natural recovery using the body's resources. The bioregulator contains biotin, zinc, vitamin E, vitamin A, selenium, dry horsetail extract. The effect of a natural product eliminates brittle hair and strengthens the nails, stimulates cell metabolism in the hair follicle and nail plate.
The bioregulator does not contain dyes, GMOs, flavors.
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