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All the latest news about products and events in the company, publications, tips, reviews and webinars about peptides, peptide therapy and lots of other interesting information.

Read more 2024-07-11
Prebiotics and probiotics. What is the difference and benefits? Prebiotics and probiotics are equally important for our body, but perform completely different functions. Many people confuse these concepts. What is ...
Read more 2024-06-27
Anti-inflammatory Herbal Complex PROTECTIONplus The multi-purpose anti-inflammatory herbal complex PROTECTIONplus is intended for the prevention and as part of complex therapy of inflammation, infec...
Read more 2024-04-29
NEW UPDATED KidneyTIDE PLUS forte New herbal component in KidneyTIDE PLUS forte with updated formula!...
Read more 2024-04-22
NEW UPDATED ProstaTIDE PLUS forte Updated Formula of Peptide Bioregulator for prostate gland...
Read more 2024-03-28
Lion's Mane is a “smart” mushroom and a natural nootropic Useful properties of medicinal mushroom Lion's Mane...
Read more 2023-08-03
Business collaboration New business collaboration for distributors of dietary supplements and medical products in Kazakhstan, Armenia and Kyrgyzstan....
Read more 2023-05-04
What is so unique about “My Real Way” PSP medicinal mushroom complexes? Learn about the difference between medicinal mushroom extract and powder...
Read more 2023-02-22
Intensified NEW therapeutic peptide bioregulators (forte) with an updated formula ...
Read more 2022-11-22
November is Bladder Health Month! Learn how to keep a healthy bladder...
Read more 2022-09-29
September is Blood Cancer and Prostate Cancer Awareness Month 7 SIMPLE WAYS TO PREVENT CANCER...
Read more 2022-07-28
Collagen Peptides VS Marine Collagen What is the difference between Collagen Peptides and Marine Collagen?...
Read more 2022-03-01
ActiManTIDE PLUS 18+: prevent erectile dysfunction (impotence) Causes of erectile dysfunction. How testosterone levels affect a man's life...
Read more 2021-08-25
How to restore and maintain hearing functions Hearing plays an important role in the development of speech, intelligence and the human psyche. Hearing is directly related to speech and intellectua...
Read more 2021-08-25
HairTIDE PLUS forte: intensified renewed formula in a new package The new formula HairTIDE PLUS forte promotes hair growth, normalizes scalp blood circulation and strengthens nails...
Read more 2021-08-25
How to prevent hair loss Each of us wants to keep healthy hair as long as possible, delay the appearance of gray hair and preserve the natural shade of hair. Can this be achie...
Read more 2021-08-25
How to maintain cholesterol level without statins Atherosclerosis is a chronic vascular pathology that appears due to an imbalance of fats and proteins, accompanied by the accumulation of lipids, foll...
Read more 2021-08-03
What is the importance of spleen organ? In Chinese medicine, the spleen is called the second "mother" (after the kidneys) and is considered the most important organ responsible for the renew...
Contact information

REAL WAY", 584 Charles-Quint avenue, Brussels, 1082, Belgium

Real Way" LLC, Company code 300639047, Konstitucijos pr.15-23, Vilnius

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